Internet Banking Services Overview
The internet banking services and electronic banking Review includes reviewing the various non-traditional methods that a financial institution’s customers can gain access to the financial institution. In many situations, this access will include the ability to view confidential account information, initiate transactions, and perform other tasks traditionally performed in a financial institution’s lobby. (Electronic banking includes banking via the internet, direct PC access, and telephone systems.)
Internet & Electronic Banking Review
When applicable, we will review all the items on the list below and provide a written report of our findings. Finally, we’ll provide management with recommendations on how to strengthen the financial institution’s electronic banking program.
Internet Banking Services – Areas of Review:
- Formal Policies and Procedures
- Management Oversight
- Risk Assessment and Control
- System Usage, Performance, and Monitoring
- External Security – Security issues relating to customers and outside threat
- Internal Security – Security issues relating to institution’s employees
- Daily Operations and Processing Procedures
- Internal Controls
- Integration of Electronic Banking into Traditional Banking Operations
- Customer Service
- Compliance with Consumer Laws and Regulations – including reviews of website, disclosures, etc.
- Periodic System Maintenance
- Vendor Support
- Software Issues
- Hardware Issues
- Internet Service Provider Issues
- Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning
Along with the review, we will provide specific guidance on how to correct any deficiencies. For example, if your policies are not adequate, we can provide sample policies to correct any deficiencies.
Internet Banking Services
For financial institutions that are considering developing or have recently developed an Internet Banking Program, we can help in the following areas:
- Development of Formal Policies and Procedures
- Risk Assessments and Development of Controls
- Development of Daily Operations and Processing Procedures
- Development of Internet Banking Internal Controls
- Integration of Electronic Banking into Traditional Banking Operations
- Development of Customer Service Procedures
- Development of Procedures to help the Institution Comply with Consumer Laws and Regulations
- Development of Disaster Recovery and Contingency Planning Policies and Procedures
For more information on internet banking service for your bank, give us a call at: 512-496-5274.